
  • 라바리 유목민의 사례 연구

    ‘라바리’는 구자라트-쿠치 서부와 라자스탄의 사막 지역에 거주하는 유목 목축 부족입니다. Rabaris는 매우 유목민입니다. 그들의 주요 직업은 소, 낙타, 염소를 사육하는 것입니다. 그들은 목초지와 변화하는 계절적 비를 찾아 이곳저곳으로 이동합니다. 대부분의 공동체는 시대의 변화에 ​​따라 도시에서 멀리 떨어진 외딴 지역에 정착했지만, 그들 중 일부는 여전히 진정한 유목민 생활을 영위하고 있습니다.

    라바리스의 기원은 명확하지 않습니다. 많은 문헌에서 가장 가까운 추정치는 아프가니스탄에서 인도로 이주한 것으로 추정됩니다. 일부 부족은 파키스탄 전역에도 흩어져 있습니다. 라바리족은 자수, 진흙 예술, 친절한 성격으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 이 원주민 부족을 살펴보면, 그들의 생활 방식과 패션에 관한 몇 가지 전설과 우화를 살펴볼 수 있으며, 이는 살펴볼 가치가 있습니다.

    1. 자수:

    라바리 여성들은 복잡한 실 자수로 유명합니다. 이 자수는 화려한 실과 작은 컷 거울과 짝을 이룹니다. 그들은 ghagra(스커트), Ludi(베일), kanchali(블라우스), odhnis, 지갑 등과 같은 다양한 제품을 만듭니다. 그들은 또한 아름다운 토란(문걸이)과 어린이용 요람도 만듭니다. 디자인은 사막 환경과 신화적인 이야기에서 파생되었습니다.

    Bharat 자수는 커뮤니티에 의해 금지되었습니다. 자수에는 많은 시간과 강렬한 디테일이 필요하기 때문에 각 작품을 완성하는 데 수개월 또는 수년이 걸립니다. 이전에는 이러한 자수 조각을 신부가 지참금으로 요구했습니다. 소녀들은 지참금으로 요구되는 수량을 완료하지 않는 한 남편과 합류하는 것이 금지되었습니다. 따라서 노인 공동체 구성원들은 시간 낭비와 늦은 결혼으로 인해 예술 형식을 금지했습니다 강남셔츠룸.

    2. 머드 아트:

    ‘Lippan Kaam’ 또는 ‘Chhittar Kaam’으로도 알려진 진흙 부조 작업은 라바리 여성들의 독특한 전통입니다. 그들은 초가집의 내부와 외부 벽을 아름다운 색의 점토와 거울로 장식합니다. 이 원형 진흙 오두막은 현지 언어로 ‘bhungas’라고 불립니다. 반죽은 Kutch의 Rann 또는 Kutch 지역의 호수에서 가져온 배설물과 점토를 동일한 비율로 혼합하여 준비됩니다. 반죽은 진흙 벽에 달라붙는 경향이 있습니다.

    베이스를 물로 적셔 진흙이 단단히 붙도록 합니다. 디자인 생성을 시작하기 전에 테두리가 생성됩니다. 그런 다음 반죽을 원통형 스트립으로 말아서 모티프를 만듭니다. 이전에는 장인들이 돌을 사용하여 거울을 깨뜨린 다음 그 조각을 사용하여 반복적인 패턴을 형성하곤 했습니다. 작품이 완성되면 란(Rann)의 백사장으로 코팅하여 건조시킵니다. Lippan 작업은 건조하는 데 며칠이 걸리며 작품의 모든 단계는 손으로 수행됩니다.

    3. 복장 :

    Rabari 커뮤니티는 다른 커뮤니티와는 독특한 복장을 가지고 있습니다. 여자들은 검은색 스커트(가그라), 블라우스(촐리 또는 칸찰리), 베일(루디)을 입는 반면, 남자들은 흰색 터번, 도티, 케디유(셔츠)를 입는다. 기혼 여성은 미혼 여성에게 평범한 가슴 부분에 주름이 잡힌 블라우스를 입습니다. ludi에도 다양한 색상 코드가 있습니다. 여성들은 대개 손과 목에 마법의 상징이 새겨진 문신을 합니다. 그들의 주얼리는 팔찌와 같은 다양한 종류의 목걸이와 발 팔찌에 이르기까지 다양한 종류의 헤비메탈 제품입니다. 이 전통 의상에는 전설이 있습니다.

    한때 Rabaris는 라자스탄의 Jaisalmer 지역에 정착했습니다. 이 지역은 이슬람 통치자가 통치했습니다. 전설에 따르면 통치자는 라바리 소녀와 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 통치자는 공동체에 접근하여 그 소녀를 자신에게 넘겨달라고 요청했습니다. 이런 부적절한 요구에 국민은 배신감을 느꼈다. 통치자를 설득하고 외교적 전술을 세우려는 모든 노력에도 불구하고 통치자는 동의하지 않았습니다. 대신 통치자는 그 소녀를 강제로 데려가겠다고 공동체를 위협했습니다. 사람들은 왕에게 자신들의 결정을 생각하고 알릴 수 있는 유예 기간을 달라고 요청했습니다. 그러나 통치자는 주어진 시간에 맞춰 감옥에 몇 명의 지도자를 세웠습니다. 왕은 지역사회 구성원들이 결정을 내릴 준비가 되면 투옥된 사람들을 석방하겠다고 약속했습니다.

    탈출이 불가능한 라바리스들은 교묘한 음모를 이해했습니다. 그들은 부족에게 불명예가 되는 소녀를 희생해야 했고, 그렇지 않으면 왕의 진노에 직면해야 했습니다. 투옥되기 전 지도자들은 지역 사회 구성원들과 함께 어두운 밤에 자이살메르를 탈출할 계획을 세웠습니다. 공동체 전체가 왕국을 탈출하여 쿠치(Kutch)로 이주했습니다. 전설에 따르면 무슬림 평민이 그들의 탈출을 도왔다가 왕에게 붙잡혔다고 합니다. 탈출을 도운 사람의 죽음을 애도하기 위해 그들은 화려한 옷을 입는 것을 포기했습니다. 여자는 검은색 옷을 입고 남자는 흰색 옷을 입는다.

  • Make Your Best Horse Racing Bet by Following The Tips

    When it comes to horserace betting it is quite astonishing that even though most of the times about 30 to 40% of the favorites win, yet the bookmakers earn higher returns than what the punters could. Their income is by no means decided by the results of the race. Many of the punters have the dream of playing like a bookie. With a few tips, this dream can actually come true. There are several punters across the globe that has been placing bets on sport tournaments. Yet, they have no clear idea about what they are dealing with. The intricacies of horserace betting are still unknown to them ufabet.

    Tips to Play like a Bookie

    It is really very essential for you to go through the racing form. Previously these forms were available only in newsstands and tracks. Today one would get them online as well. While you are choosing which horse to bet on, you must take into consideration the qualities of its jockey and the trainer. You can also check out the performances of individual horses in the last few races. Yet the results of past races wouldn’t help you much in your prediction. Picking up on jockey and trainer percentages would be easier and quicker at the same time. This would help you streamline the list of probable choices for bets.
    Analyze the recent forms. To figure out how the horse is going to perform in the next race, you wouldn’t need to look beyond the recent races. All you need to take into consideration is the results of the last three races. Check out the speed figures and the finishing rank. If you check out the racing form you will find the speed figures listed there. Now, you will have a clear idea of how a horse performed in the last races against the type of field it was running on.
    Consider the race figures from at least three of the last races. When you judge these figures against the rest of the field, you will be able to get a good grip on the possible outcomes and make a better prediction.
    Scrutinize the situations to their depths. Do not make a superficial research. Figure out which horse suits what kind of racecourse. Some of them run fast on grassy tracks while others are good in dusty field. Moreover, different horses perform differently since some of them are bred to run at high speed, while others are bred for stamina.
    Make sure that your vision is not restricted within the obvious. Look beyond and make a search for values. The more correct evaluation of values you make, the better will be your betting outcomes. Keep on betting on the favorites consistently and keep on winning. It is obvious that you won’t win every time, but make sure that you do not lose every time either. If you try and incorporate some exotic in your bet, that would prove great. However, it is a completely different angle and needs detailed discussion.

  • Tips on How to Spread Bet

    Those who find an interest on spread betting would search for tips on how to spread bet effectively but actually there are no definite policy on the trading system. However, those who are already experts in the trading game exclusively rely on strategies and techniques they have formulated to be more triumphant with the game. Strategies are intended to make trouble-free and convenient betting ways of winning. Bettors depend on certain strategies or techniques to make them locate the accurate and reasonable place to be victorious on the bet.

    The first thing that a trader has to comprehend on how to spread bet effectively is by starting out small. This is the most common mistake among many bettors, they start out with really large bets and then lose big. Starting out on minor bets is a much better idea for newbies, but later on can develop skills like a proficient bettor. Specializing in few markets is also significant while avoiding lots of markets must also be made. If you are not an expert and just starting out, it will be advised to work with at least 2-3 markets ufabet.

    One of the most preferred ideas among many spread traders is the scalping. This technique includes getting away from different risks of failing particularly during the trading. The bettor immediately stops the whole spread betting process; earns small amounts but avoids losing great amount of money. With this approach, the trader can build his profits gradually through smaller trades. Getting into trading business, you have to simply make your own strategy. Make use of the technique but if it does not give great outcome, make another one. If it works, use it again and again until such time that you have verified that such strategy can give you more wins than losses.

    Why waste time on spread betting seminars when you can make up your own stratagem? When you come up with your very own technique, basic knowledge on spread betting have to be gained. There are perfect points and means on how to spread bet, plus the fact that it can make you save lots of funds. Never loose persistence when it comes to trading game like this. When it comes to making the right decision, avoid rushing and making overconfident trading.


  • Why Vortex Kaibab Binocular Happens to be a Safe Bet

    In the past, insurance seemed like a bet on your days disguised as an investment meant to aid your loved ones after you died. But what if you needed the financial support during your life ufabet?

    There are many times in a person’s life when he or she needs serious financial assistance. Common cases include a tragic accident, surgery, heart attack, and so on… What would your insurance do for you if you find yourself in such a situation? It’s not always that you could file a case using tort laws and regain the insurance money to serve your immediate needs.

    Now we have much better options.
    A life Insurance that you don’t have to die to use, for instance.
    Options, that could help you not only live with peace of mind but make sure that your retirement years are some of the best years of your life. All of this can be achieved through living benefits insurance, and hence the series on living benefits to make more mainstream and accessible for the layman. Let’s start with a comparison of traditional (old life insurance) and the new life insurance.

    OLD Life Insurance

    The old life insurance insured you for death relying on universal life with potential for lapsed coverage in later years as annual premiums increased according to your age – eating away the net cash value. Add to this the fact that whole life insurance (as the only option) offers no disclosure on the actual cost of insurance and non refundable premiums, and you are effectively betting money on your life with interest payable to the insurance company!

    Given that whole life insurance (the only option) were also expensive, insurance was mostly sold, and not bought. The industry pushed high-commissions and agents banked on preying on individual’s emotions to make them pay for their life, for the entirety of their life. Given that the companies incorporated a lump sum investment component that was (obviously) more than the term policies, the companies (and the agents) highlighted the guesses of future returns to attract more buyers. As a result, many people would find themselves underinsured.

  • Get Into The Daily Free Football Predictions

    While each specialist have their own way of determining their excellent picks, the single key element in creating winning sports picks, whether they are NBA specialist betting picks, NFL or yet NCAA football betting picks, is knowledge and stats. Experts do further than to watch the sports event. They nurture within news resources and collect all they know to shape predictions regarding which teams will succeed which playoffs and by how much scores. A few of them are so excellent that it’s about uncanny. Here’s a fast look at just several of the sources that NBA expert gaming picks may take into explanation ufabet.

    A succeed or a defeat is based on lots of things, and several of these issues are found during team plus competitor records. Are the scores traditionally low while two some teams play against each other? Is the Pacers 2 for 6 alongside the team within this week’s match? Those are the important of statistics that the College Football Handicappers has at his fingertips with that participate into his predictions. Some College Football Handicappers may not even deliberately understand every one of the historical statistics they draw on while they make a guess; however the ones who actually be acquainted with their things are the ones who usually make the best NBA expert betting picks. The most noticeable element of creating Daily Free Football Predictions is reviewing how the teams hoard up next to each other in conditions of current show; several of it is simple. Finally, you can outline that the last position team is almost certainly not departing to fare well while they meet up the first place team. While the teams are quicker in aptitude and record, while, it takes ability to understand the team that has the plus point. Even while the matchups are entirely uneven, going through the chances on the spread can be difficult. That’s when NFL Football TV picks can come in helpful while deciding where to place your money.

    Creating NBA expert picks and NFL betting picks is a skill. The experts mainly likely to arise with steady winning calculations are those who include their feelers out for some details that can force the result of a game. They’ll observe match replays to discover weaknesses, find injury reports to find out chinks within a team’s shield; even pursue the gossip columns for several hint of individual difficulty for a player that may influence his match. These are a number of the factors that set off into forthcoming by NBA specialist betting instructions; however they don’t take everything into report. As you can observe, as building expert picks isn’t a rocket science, although it does need skill. That’s why it makes logic to rely on Daily Free Football Predictions to help you choose where to put your cash going on the line within the upcoming weeks. Shifts occurs any instant during the game, probably even a little time before the match comes to an end. What you want to do is obtain as much details as you can. You must also think switching your picks if required.


  • Horse Racing Tips – 5 Strategies To Win Big

    While everyone has heard of betting on horses, they might not have any idea outside of watching a movie or a television show how to go about it ufabet.

    Here are five horse racing tips to consider:

    1 – Betting Venues and Learning About the Track

    First, find a horse racing track. This can be easily accomplished by performing an internet search in your area. Once you find your horse racing track, then find out its schedule and arrive at least a half hour early so that you can get to know the track.

    Then, buy a racing program. The average cost for these programs is four dollars. You can learn more information about the horse and the about the jockey in the program. Another reason why you should get to the track early is because getting there early ensures that you can get a comfortable seat that allows for you to see the racing monitor.

    The monitor will display race numbers, betting odds, and up to the moment info on the race that you need to pay attention to. Next, find the find the current race. The monitor will show the number of the current race.

    2 – Tips to Select Your Horse

    Here are your next set of horse racing tips. Pick a horse that you would like to bet on. Decide upon your horse based upon the chances of winning that the horse has. That will be found by the jockey’s name on the program. The horse’s race record will also be a factor as well in determining if you should pick them.

    Also, pay attention to the odds that the horse has of winning the race. There will be a large number that shows next the information for the horse on the program that will tell you the odds of winning.

    Next, consider the estimated outcome for the horse placing in the first three places. This information will be located at the top of the page. Then, consider the jockey, the trainer, and the owner’s win percentage. These numbers can be found on the back of the racing program.

  • See Your Favourite Team go All The Way And Win on Them With NRL Betting

    With the onset of 2011 speculations have already started about this season’s NRL. Which two teams will make it to the Grand Final and which team will lift the coveted trophy? Will the St. George Illawara Dragons be able to repeat their feat or will the Sydney Roosters be able to shake off the disappointment of last year’s Grand Final and take a step forward to glory? There are endless permutations and combinations that have started making the rounds of those that are interested in NRL betting. If you are interested to bet on NRL then you also better join the permutations and combinations and pick up your team for the season ufabet.

    There are essentially three things to look at when you bet on NRL. The first one is the team, the second one is the coach and the third one is the bunch of players who make the team. If you are an enthusiastic NRL fan then you will be aware of the performance of the teams in the past seasons. You will know about the teams that are looking good this season. Check out team news and gossips and reports about the strategies of the various teams. All this information is very essential for you to get into NRL betting and increase your chances of winning.

    However, do some research on the coaches too when you are looking to bet on NRL. Check out which of the current coaches have made it to the most Grand Finals and which of them have had the most success leading their teams. As for the players, keep an eye out on the transfers and injuries and check out the bunch that looks the most impressive. The NRL is a long season and only those teams that have the stamina to endure the gruelling season can make it big. When you have done all this research you will find NRL betting is a relatively easy task.

    If you are relatively new to NRL betting then you must really start working hard now. When you bet on NRL you can really win it big when you pick the right team. Be active on the Internet – check out websites related to NRL news and go through blogs and discussion forums of experts and individuals. Go through the odds available on the various betting websites. When you gather all this information you get a fair idea of who is going to be the winner. If you are a passionate follower of a particular team (as you are likely to be) we are sure you are going to bet on your team. But if you feel that your team may not be able to lift the trophy this season then you should be looking to cover your bases by combining your bets with others teams too.

    Winning when you bet on NRL is not difficult when you follow the right approach. There are thousands of Aussies who indulge in NRL betting and getting the right information is not difficult.

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  • Crude Oil Traders are Betting big on Price Rebound Expectations

    With rebound of crude oil prices, hedge funds are showing enough faith in them. While the crude oil producers across the world reduced their output – the bets of hedge fund investors on West Texas Intermediate rose significantly. It is at highest since the month of June 2014 ufabet.

    In December, when non-OPEC members, as well as OPEC, agreed upon reducing their production WTI jumped up to 18-months high. Kuwait, Algeria, and Saudi reduced their oil production drastically and on the other hand, Russia cut down its supply phases, faster than what was estimated.

    Net-long positions have increased (mostly by Hedge funds) by 14%. WTI increased 3.3% and now trading at $52.48 per barrel. Investors and fund managers are taking long positions on oil market as they are estimating the OPEC and non-OPEC to reduce the output of Crude oil to increase the prices further.

    Producers Cutting Supply – Fund Managers Betting Long-

    Almost 1.5 million barrels are withdrawn from the market within first two weeks of January 17 following the agreement, which is more than what was expected. Most of the oil producers have decreased production significantly.

    WTI net-long positions advanced by 43,301 contracts and money managers are taking positions on oil stocks. Short positions advanced by 11%, long positions increased by 14% to a record high of 406,723.

    As the futures increased by 3.5%, net-bullish positions increased by 0.4% on gasoline to a record high since July 2014 (63,678 contracts).

    Producers Hedging Market Positions to divert the Risk-

    Oil companies in US are taking part in the rally to hedge their risk for the upcoming years. Oil producers are playing the game with caution and taking short positions to protect their assets from decreasing Crude Oil prices. Contracts on the short position of producers have increased to 6, 77,479 which is highest since the year 2007.

    Producers are protecting their cash flows by taking market positions; it can protect them against price crash in the future.

    As I pointed out in my 2017 trading outlook, Crude oil sentiment is turning positive, Will Price action does the same? Time to keep an eye on Charts!


  • Get Wonderful Tips to Help You Make Good Bets on Tennis Matches

    You have a very good chance of making more than you bet when all is said and done.

    Where you obtain your tennis betting tips is a big part of making that outcome possible. Don’t get roped into anything that tells you money will be coming hand over fist. You can make money, but you aren’t going to get rich. However, it is much more fun when you bet with winnings rather than your own money ufabet!

    All Major Games

    You may not be a tennis player or follow the game, but you likely hear about all of the major games being advertised. Why not allow tennis betting tips help you to take this to the next level? You will be able to take in all the action, and then see if your wagers won. You can bet on scores, winners, and many other options. It is a good idea to find out what choices you have.

    This will ensure you get to the point where you can make a well-informed decision about how to use the tennis betting tips. You aren’t going to wager on every event or every option. Look at the information, the odds, and diversify your funds for that event accordingly. You want to use information to help you rather than taking a shot in the dark for the right outcome.

    Who to Count On

    Take your time to find the right expert to follow. How long have they been offering tennis betting tips? What is their accuracy percentage? How much do they charge for the information compared to others? Do they offer any type of additional trips and training you could benefit from? The more you can count on them to give you great information, the faster you win.

    You need the basics so you don’t feel intimidated when it comes to placing the bets. You can rely on those tennis betting tips to help you have a great time and a fun way to make money. You may never have though tennis was a game you would follow, but that all changes when you can see money as a result of those efforts.

    Devise your Strategy

    Make sure you take your time to pick the right strategy regarding how you will bet on the game of tennis. There are quite a few options. Look at the pros and cons of each of them. What do you do feel the most comfortable with? What is the right style for your level of comfort? Some people are more conservative while others wager aggressively?

  • Free NFL Picks Atlanta Falcons vs Jacksonville Jaguars NFL Picks

    Jacksonville Jaguars vs Atlanta Falcons Free NFL Picks: Last week, the Jacksonville Jaguars were embarrassed in NFL betting action. Today, we make our free NFL picks for Friday night’s duel at Ever Bank Field between the Jags and the Atlanta Falcons.

    In spite of the fact that his team was beaten in Week 1 of the NFL preseason, Head Coach Mike Smith has to be considered a relatively happy guy. When his starters left the field, his team was up 17-0, and after Miami’s starters left, it was 17-7. From there, the second string defense struggled just a tad, but the kill shot came in the form of a punt return for a TD ufabet.

    Special teams shouldn’t hurt the Falcons as they did in last week’s 28-23 defeat, and we’d expect to see better out of the starting quarterbacks. We know that QB Matt Ryan will be fine, and he went 6-of-10 and led the team to three scores in the first quarter alone before getting the hook.

    The question is how the battle will heat up between QBs John Parker Wilson, Adam Froman, and Chris Redman, all three of which are fighting for likely just two spots on the team. WR Julio Jones made his debut for the Dirty Birds last week, catching two passes for 43 yards, and he has already shown that he is going to have the ability to stretch the field like WR Roddy White does, which could make this offense devastating to try to stop.

    There wasn’t a team out there in NFLX Week 1 action that put up a worse effort than the Jaguars did. They were simply destroyed on both sides of the field in a 47-12 beat down. The defense for Head Coach Jack Del Rio was devastatingly bad, and it was that bad without QB Tom Brady ever stepping between the white lines.

    This was a team that allowed at least 31 points three times in its last four games last year to get knocked out of the playoff picture, and we have no doubt that this is a big issue for this year.

    The big problem for this game though, might be the fact that both QB Luke McCown and QB David Garrard are up in the air. Instead, QB Blaine Gabbert is probably going to take the mass majority of the snaps as he did last week. Gabbert’s first professional game was a respectable one, as he went 9-of-16 for 85 yards. He wasn’t picked off, and he did lead the team on three field goal drives, but he wasn’t able to reach the end zone. QB Todd Bouman, who is likely the odd quarterback out this year, went just 2-of-10 and threw a pick.

    Atlanta Falcons @ Jacksonville Jaguars Free Picks: The Jags were just brutalized last week, and they were brutalized by half of a really good team. Now, they have to take on the whole of an also very good team. We won’t see them get blown away by 35 again, but seeing this one end with a road team ‘W’ is what we expect.

    Football Picks: Atlanta Falcons +3

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