Category: Latest Blogs

  • 텐트 캠프: 5성급 럭셔리, 아프리카 스타일


    저번에 글을 읽다가 글램핑이라는 단어가 눈에 들어왔습니다. 이것은 일반적인 “침낭을 들고 모닥불 위에서 요리하자”는 캠핑이 아닙니다. 아니, 이것은 스타일리쉬한 캠핑이다. 더 좋은 점은 화장실이 있는 캠핑입니다 포천 글램핑.

    그런데 생각해보니 글램핑이 현대의 새로운 유행어일지 몰라도 그 개념은 새로운 것이 아닙니다. 아프리카에는 수년간 고급 천막 캠프가 있어 암흑 대륙을 가까이에서 직접 볼 수 있습니다.

    Serengeti Migration Camp와 같은 장소는 연중 무휴로 탄자니아의 높은 사파리 텐트에 실내 샤워 시설(그 이하도 아님)과 아이패드, 아이폰, 노트북을 작동시키기 위한 전기를 제공합니다. 여기 바닥에는 얇은 침낭이 없으며 킹 사이즈 침대가 기다리고 있습니다. 경기 관람으로 하루를 보낸 후에는 수영장에 몸을 담그세요.

    아프리카 반대편에는 마라케시에서 불과 50km 떨어진 모로코에 고급 텐트 캠프가 있습니다. 사막은 가장 관대한 곳은 아니지만 Scarabeo Camp에서 잊혀진 모든 것입니다. 야생 사막 동물이나 다른 것에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다. 가장 호화로운 호텔이 부러워 할 텐트에 깔끔하게 자리 잡고 있습니다. 퀸사이즈 침대는 모래사장, 전용 실내 욕실보다 잠을 자기에 더 좋습니다. 맛있는 모로코 음식이 매일 제공됩니다.

    이와 같은 캠핑을 하면 다시는 “거친” 일이 없을 것입니다.

    럭셔리 캠프를 경험할 수 있는 가장 아름다운 장소 중 하나는 콜로니얼 스타일로 아름답게 장식된 크루거 국립공원의 Thornybush입니다. Bushveld Baths(개인 실내 욕실에 있음)는 아프리카 풍경을 내려다보고 있으며 에어컨도 설치되어 있습니다.

    그리고 저는 텐트가 Small Main Resorts Of The World 목록에 포함될 수 있다고는 생각하지 못했습니다. Samburu Nationwide Reserve의 Larsens Camp는 사파리 스타일의 (적절한 예?) 숙박 시설, 킹 사이즈 침대 및 전용 욕실을 갖추고 있습니다.

    빠진 유일한 것은 텔레비전이지만 코끼리와 다른 이국적인 동물이 식탁에서 불과 몇 피트 거리에 있는데 텔레비전이 필요한 사람은 누구입니까?

    남아프리카 공화국은 고급 캠핑 전체에 큰 영향을 미칩니다. Teniqua Treetops와 같은 가족 친화적(그리고 환경 친화적인) 장소는 아프리카 바닥 위 높은 곳에서 고급 캠핑을 제공합니다. 이것은 취사가 가능한 옵션이지만(진정한 캠핑의 어떤 부분이 그렇지 않은지) 협곡이 내려다보이는 베란다에 앉아 있는 것은 가족 시간을 위한 설정일 뿐입니다. 일부 트리하우스는 2명, 일부는 4명만 잘 수 있지만 대가족이 이용할 수 있는 더 큰 트리하우스도 있습니다.

    그렇다면 럭셔리 캠핑(혹은 글램핑)은 무엇을 의미할까요? 편안함, 그게 전부입니다.

  • 보청기 구입 방법


    귀걸이형 보청기, 귓속형 보청기, 운하 보청기, 바이노럴 보청기… 목록은 계속됩니다. 선택할 수 있는 종류와 수백 가지 브랜드가 있는 상황에서 시니어는 무엇을 해야 할까요? 무엇보다 혼자 가지 마세요. 너무나 자주 노인들은 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오는 광고나 강압적인 판매원의 구애를 받아 서랍에 쑤셔넣고는 절대 사용하지 않는 값비싼 보청기를 갖게 됩니다. Callier Heart for Communication Disorders의 청력학 책임자인 Dr. Phillip L. Wilson, Au.D.는 철저한 청력 평가를 수행하고 청력 손실의 유형과 정도를 결정하고 적절한 보청기를 추천할 수 있는 자격을 갖춘 청력학자와 협력한다고 말했습니다. , 텍사스 대학교 달라스.

    청력학자가 가장 먼저 할 일은 다음과 같은 몇 가지 기본 청력 테스트를 수행하는 것입니다.

    순음 공기 전도 청력 검사. 환자는 다양한 신호음과 휘파람(순음이라고 함)을 듣고 버튼을 누르거나 손을 들어 신호를 들을 수 있는 시기를 알려줍니다. 그들이 들을 수 있는 가장 부드러운 소리(청력 역치)는 청력도라는 그래프에 표시됩니다.

    순음 골전도 청력검사 . 이 테스트는 청력 문제가 있는 귀의 위치를 ​​확인하는 데 도움이 됩니다. 중이에 있는 경우 난청은 일반적으로 의학적으로 치료할 수 있습니다. 그러나 내이 난청은 감각 세포가 제대로 작동하지 않는다는 것을 의미하며 그 문제는 영구적입니다.

    음성 청력 검사. 청능사가 청력 손실의 실질적인 영향을 이해하는 데 도움이 되도록 환자는 조용하고 소음 속에서 단어와 문장을 반복하도록 요청받습니다.

    고실도. 중이 시스템이 얼마나 잘 기능하고 고막이 얼마나 잘 움직일 수 있는지 테스트합니다.

    테스트를 수행하고 청력 문제를 분리한 후, 보청기가 올바른 해결책이라면 윌슨은 청력학자가 사랑하는 사람에게 가장 잘 맞는 보청기 유형을 결정하기 위해 생활 방식 요구 분석을 수행해야 한다고 말합니다. 의사가 사랑하는 사람에게 물어봐야 할 몇 가지 질문:


    • 당신은 얼마나 활동적입니까?
    • 시끄러운 곳에서 의사소통이 어려우신가요?
    • 너 혼자 사니? 아파트 안에? 큰 집에서?
    • 전화 통화를 많이 하시나요? TV를 자주 봅니까?
    • 정기적으로 외식하러 식당에 가십니까?
    • 여성이나 어린이와 같은 특정 가족 구성원의 말을 듣는 데 문제가 있습니까?
    • 종교 행사, 강의, 영화관에서 듣는 데 문제가 있습니까?

    찾아야 할 기능 

    보청기 기술은 지속적으로 개선되고 있으며 항상 새로운 제품이 출시되고 있습니다. 사랑하는 사람에게 필요한 것이 무엇인지 이해하려면 먼저 보청기가 어떻게 작동하는지 알아야 합니다.

    보청기는 마이크, 증폭기 및 스피커의 세 가지 기본 부품으로 구성됩니다. 보청기는 마이크를 통해 소리를 받아 음파를 전기 신호로 변환하여 증폭기로 보냅니다. 증폭기는 신호의 힘을 증가시킨 다음 스피커를 통해 귀로 보냅니다. 컴퓨터에서 보청기를 프로그래밍하여 난청에 맞게 특별히 증폭을 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.

    Dr. Wilson에 따르면 청각 전문의와 논의할 수 있는 보청기 기술의 최신 발전 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

    오픈핏 보조기구. 귀에 꼭 맞는 보청기를 착용한 사람들의 일반적인 불만은 말을 할 때 메아리와 같은 산만함을 듣는다는 것입니다. 또는 자신이 씹는 소리를 듣습니다. 새로운 종류의 보청기가 이 문제를 해결합니다. “개방형” 보조 장치라고 하는 이 보청기는 귀 뒤에 위치하며 전선과 작은 확성기만 귀에 들어갑니다 포낙보청기.

    디지털 피드백 감소. 새로운 보청기는 좋은 피드백 감소 기능을 가지고 있어 또 다른 일반적인 보청기 불만인 휘파람 소리를 줄이거나 제거합니다.

    디지털 노이즈 감소. 복잡한 알고리즘을 사용하는 이 기능은 보청기를 “더 똑똑하게” 만들고 음성과 배경 소음을 구분할 수 있습니다.

    지향성 마이크. 지향성 마이크를 사용하면 사용자가 바로 앞에 있는 사람에게 집중할 수 있어 뒤와 옆에서 나누는 대화의 간섭이 줄어듭니다.

    자동 적응. 이 기술을 통해 보청기는 사용자가 한 장소에서 다른 장소로 걸을 때 작동 방식을 변경합니다. 보청기는 특정 음량 수준을 초과하는 소리를 감지한 다음 자체 조정하여 증폭을 줄입니다. 예를 들어 조용한 장소에서는 볼륨 레벨이 높아집니다. 시끄러운 환경에서는 방향성 마이크와 소음 감소 기능이 작동합니다.

    블루투스 호환. 사용자는 휴대 전화를 귀에 대지 않아도 되므로 일부 사람들이 전화를 받을 때 듣는 피드백이 완화됩니다. 전화가 오면 전화기에서 울리는 것이 아니라 보청기 자체를 통해 울립니다. 대답하려면 착용자는 버튼을 누르기만 하면 됩니다.

    올바른 보청기를 선택한 후에도 사랑하는 사람이 즉시 적응할 것이라고 기대하지 마십시오. Wilson은 환자가 새 장치에 익숙해지는 데 종종 한 달 이상이 걸린다고 말합니다.

    “종종 보청기를 처음 사용하는 사람들은 세상이 얼마나 시끄러운지 깜짝 놀라게 될 것입니다.”라고 그는 말합니다. “소리가 크고 거슬리게 들릴 수 있습니다. 갑자기 냉장고가 굉음이 나고, 신문이 덜거덕거리고, 차 안의 방향지시등도 방해가 됩니다. 하루 종일, 매일 보청기를 착용하는 것이 좋습니다. 간헐적으로만 착용하는 경우 , 당신은 결코 새로운 소리의 크기에 익숙해지지 않을 것이고, 뇌는 혼란스러울 것입니다. 뇌가 새로운 소리를 원근법에 적용하는 데 적어도 몇 주가 걸립니다.”

    그러니 인내심을 가지세요. 보청기에 적응하는 데 시간이 필요합니다. 사랑하는 사람의 청취 능력은 증폭에 익숙해짐에 따라 점진적으로 향상되어야 합니다.

    FDA는 제조업체가 모든 보청기에 대해 30일의 시험 기간을 제공할 것을 요구하므로 이를 활용하십시오. 특히 관련된 위험이 없기 때문에 사랑하는 사람이 며칠 이상 보청기를 사용하는지 확인하십시오. 최대 30일 동안 반품할 수 있습니다. 효과적인 “중매인”이 되려면 시간이 걸립니다. 하지만 시간을 잘 보낸다.

  • 모르네 파크 하우스


    하늘의 네 바람

    내가 Morne Park를 처음 방문했을 때, 약 15년 ​​전, Julie Ann Anley는 나를 휘슬스톱 투어로 데려갔습니다. “굉장해!” 그녀가 웃었다. “집이 건축학적으로 중요하지 않기 때문에 아무도 우리를 여기에서 귀찮게 하지 않습니다.” 이것은 Belvoir Castle과 같은 관광 명소가 아닙니다. 타임캡슐로서의 시골집은 Calke Abbey가 대중의 관심을 끌었던 80년대에 만들어진 진부한 표현이 되었을지 모르지만 MPH에는 확실히 적용되었습니다.

    2003년 4월 내가 마지막으로 집을 방문했을 때, 곧 배포될 내용물을 훔쳐보는 시민들로 붐볐다. 완벽한 기간이 풀리기 시작했습니다. 부엌 싱크대를 포함한 모든 곳에 작은 흰색 경매 라벨이 걸려 있습니다. 줄무늬 천막이 안뜰을 가득 채웠고 건물 자체가 낡아 보이기 시작했습니다.

    경매는 1992년 니콜라스 앤리가 사망한 후 2003년 초까지 법정을 질질 끌었던 길고 쓰라린 가족 불화의 결과였습니다.

    Julie Ann의 어린 딸인 Marion Scarlett Russell은 1994년 BBC의 북아일랜드 시골 특파원인 Martin Cassidy에게 “우리 가족 모두가 매우 관심을 갖고 있는 일입니다.”라고 말했습니다.

    “우리는 항상 이 집과 그 땅이 협상할 수 없으며 유지하기 위해 모든 것을 할 것이라는 것을 알고 있었습니다.” 그녀의 언니 Debonaire Norah Needham Horsman 또는 ‘Bonnie’가 동의했습니다.

    그러나 이러한 생각의 조화는 유산 관리 방법에 대한 의견 불일치로 인해 갑자기 끝났습니다. Marion이 한밤중에 집안의 내용물 중 자신의 공정한 몫이라고 생각하는 것을 제거했을 때 사건은 극적인 절정에 이르렀습니다. 법원이 구식으로 부를 것을 주장함에 따라 그녀는이 ‘동산’의 소재를 밝히기를 거부하여 폐하의 기쁨에서 일주일을 보냈습니다.

    수십만 파운드의 비용이 드는 5년간의 고된 법적 논쟁은 Marion이 자신의 몫을 유지할 수 있고 다른 두 형제가 콘텐츠의 3분의 2를 경매에 부칠 것이라는 데 최종적으로 동의했을 때만 끝났습니다.

    MPH는 Earls of Kilmorey(“Kilmurray”로 발음됨 – Calke가 “Cock”, Belvoir가 “Beaver”, Blakley가 “Blakely”인지 여부에 관계없이 명명법의 잘못된 발음에 대한 기쁨과 상류층의 기쁨은 무엇입니까?).

    The family can hint its roots again to an Elizabethan soldier, Nicholas Bagnel, founding father of Newry. The 4th Earl of Kilmorey died in 1962. Simply earlier than his demise the family inheritance was rearranged as a result of he had no sons, permitting his nephew and inheritor, Main Patrick Needham, subsequently fifth Earl of Kilmorey, to waive his proper of succession to MPH in alternate for property of equal worth. And so the title returned to England the place Charles I had created the unique viscountcy in 1625.

    This compromise allowed the 4th Earl’s widow, Girl Norah, and her two daughters to proceed residing within the house. Patrick’s son, the sixth Earl, is healthier referred to as Richard Needham, former Conservative Northern Eire Economic system Minister. He’s now the deputy chairman of a vacuum cleaning company and declines to make use of his Anglo Irish title. Nonetheless his son types himself Viscount Newry and Mourne.

    Nicholas, the son of the elder daughter of the 4th Earl, married Julie Ann initially of the Sixties and moved into the transformed stables at Mourne Park. He inherited the house minus the title in 1984.

    Julie Ann could have modestly described the house as being architecturally unimportant and it’s no competitors for the baronial battlements of Ballyedmond Fort or the symmetrical severity of Seaforde House. However it’s a uncommon instance of a considerably Edwardian nation house in a county the place Victorian or Georgian is the norm.

    MPH oozes allure with its lengthy low elevations hewn out of the native granite and its lavish use of inexperienced paint on window frames and porches, bargeboards and backyard furniture, and the abundance of French doorways. A lot of the interior ornament dates from the early twentieth century which lends the house a nostalgic Edwardian air.

    And the setting is second to none. Looming behind the house are the craggy slopes of Knockcree Mountain rising 130m above the oak and beech woodlands that make up the estate.

    A Victorian customer, W E Russell, waxed lyrical on Mourne Park, as archived by Dr Anthony Malcomson. ‘The scene… from the entrance entrance is certainly very fine. Earlier than you, within the precincts of the mansion, is a lake. Past this lake, the demesne stretches away with a gently rising slope, which hides the intervening land, until one can fancy that the sea waves lap the lawns of the park.’

    The genesis of the mansion dates from 1818 when the twelfth Viscount Kilmorey (1748-1832) employed Thadeus Gallier (later anglicised to Thomas Gallagher) of County Louth to construct the central block. It most definitely changed an earlier house on the positioning.

    Gallagher, an architect or ‘journeyman-builder’, had already constructed Anaverna at Ravensdale a decade earlier. Baron McClelland commissioned this 5 bay two storey house close to Dundalk in 1807. It is now the home of the Lenox-Conynghams. Too grand for a glebe, too modest for a mansion, this middling dimension house, tall, light and good-looking, stands proud in its sylvan setting overlooking a meadow. The big fanlight over the doorway door in the midst of the three bay breakfront is partially obscured by a glazed porch, however in any other case Gallagher’s design is untouched. Semicircular relieving arches over upstairs home windows introduce a motif he was to later make use of at MPH. At Anaverna he proved himself to be a designer of appreciable sophistication.

    Gallagher’s son James, who recorded in his autobiography that his father labored at MPH for 9 months in 1818, emigrated to New Orleans the place he carried on the dynastic custom of designing fine buildings. His grandson, James Gallier Junior, was a third technology architect and his 1857 New Orleans townhouse is now the Gallier House Museum.

    The primary of six incarnations of MPH, Gallagher’s design was a typical late Georgian two storey nation house with Wyatt home windows on both aspect of a doorway just like Anaverna’s with a fanlight over it. Subsequent, a third storey was added was added after which a while after 1859 a brand new two storey entrance of the identical peak was plonked in entrance of the prevailing house, in order that the rooms within the new block have a lot increased ceilings than within the older half.

    The alternative façade is three bays vast like the unique entrance however rather than Wyatt home windows is bipartite fenestration set in shallow recesses rising by each storeys with relieving arches over them. It’s the mixture of those paired home windows and mild arches, like brows over the eyes of the constructing, which provides the entrance such a definite look.

    Within the central breakfront the shallow recess begins over the doorway door which is handled as one other window, flanked on both aspect by a window of comparable form and dimension. A low parapet over a slim cornice partly conceals the hipped roof which wraps across the roof lantern of the Staircase Corridor.

    Contemporaneous enhancements had been made to the estate itself. Within the 1840s the 2nd Earl (1787-1880) – the Kilmoreys had gone up a rung on the aristocratic ladder when his father, the twelfth Viscount, was made an earl for his services to the development of Newry – commissioned a ‘famine wall’. It was a way used on the peak of the Irish potato famine by many Huge House households to create work to maintain locals from ravenous. The cheaply constructed granite partitions additionally profited the estate. Kimmitt Dean information that the 2nd Earl constructed Tullyframe Gate Lodge, the third of 4 gate lodges, presently. Whitewater Gate Lodge was constructed within the 1830s and Ballymaglogh Gate Lodge within the 1850s.

    Nevertheless it was the alterations of the third and 4th Earls which gave MPH its Edwardian flavour. “Not match for a gentleman to reside in!” exclaimed the third Earl (1842-1915) upon his inheritance. His remedial gentrifications started in 1892 when he added rectangular floor floor bay home windows onto the entrance and continued till 1904 when he constructed a single storey wing perpendicular to the again of the house. This wing incorporates Girl Kilmorey’s Sitting Room and the Lengthy Room, the latter accomplished in time for his son’s twenty first birthday celebrations.

    Between 1919 and 1921 that son, by now the 4th Earl (1883-1961) constructed a sprawling flat roofed extension onto the avenue aspect of the house and relocated the doorway to this elevation. Double doorways framed by pairs of squat sq. pillars shaped the brand new entrance, balanced on both aspect by the 2 home windows of the Billiard Room and Lord Kilmorey’s Examine. The third Earl accomplished the estate buildings with Inexperienced Gate Lodge, a two storey house completed in the identical granite as MPH.

    A century of every technology making their mark on MPH has resulted in a captivating constructing full of unusual modifications in floor ranges and ceiling heights. The principle block is organized like three parallel slices of a sq. cake, every totally different in essence. The oldest three storey slice behind the house has low ceilings and small home windows, some retaining their Georgian panes. The center high lit slice incorporates the Lengthy Hall which runs parallel with the Corridor, the Staircase Corridor and the Interior Corridor. Lastly the latest slice incorporates the enfilade of reception rooms: the Billiard Room (previously the Massive Drawing Room), the Eating Room, the Ante Room, the Blue Drawing Room and above, the principal bedrooms with their plate glass home windows.

    The again of the house overlooks a courtyard enclosed by the Lengthy Room on one aspect, a low two storey nursery wing on the opposite aspect and the compulsory row of outbuildings parallel with the house.

    All of the rooms on the bottom and first flooring had been open through the public sale preview weekend. I started the tour that I had gone on a decade earlier, solely with a written relatively than personal information and with out the troop of 13 Persian cats which had adopted us across the first time spherical.

    “Come on, get out of this room!” Julie Ann bellowed to the cats as she shut the door of every room. “In any other case you can be locked in for a 12 months or two!” I commented to her, “At the least you will not have mice.” She replied,” They simply watch the mice race by.”

    Now folks had been speaking in hushed murmurs as if at a wake, quietly leafing by problems with The Connoisseur within the Estate Workplace and thoughtfully gazing at caricature prints within the Rosie Passage.

    The Corridor, organized like an extended gallery with work held on white panelled partitions, is the primary in a processional collection of areas which culminates within the Staircase Corridor, essentially the most thrilling architectural second MPH has to supply. The staircase was prolonged between 1919 and 1921 to stretch out within the course of the brand new entrance whereas the unique flight of stairs by an archway into the Interior Corridor was retained. Above, extra archways and openings afford tantalising glimpses of bed room corridors crammed with the shadows of ghosts.

    Near the brand new entrance, Lord Kilmorey’s Examine had an air of ritual in distinction to the intimacy of Girl Kilmorey’s Sitting Room which is tucked away behind the house. A 7m lengthy oak bookcase, used as a brief show cupboard for the preview (bought for £3,000) and a chesterfield sofa (bought for £800) accomplished the butch temper of the nice Lord’s room. On the opposite hand, the femininity of Girl Kilmorey’s Sitting Room was exaggerated by the fragile double arched overmantle (bought for £1,000) and the seventeenth century Chinoserie cupboard on a carved giltwood stand (bought for £11,000) just like these within the State Drawing Room of 11 Downing Road. HOK public sale staff had been making final minute notes on a pile of books in the midst of the floor. The house not felt personal.

    The three essential reception rooms had been quintessentially Edwardian. Chintz sofas and family portraits combined comfortably with interval items. ‘Shabby stylish’, one other Eighties cliché, is an apt description. Many years of decadence had descended into decay, the place as soon as the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) had whiled away halcyon days.

    Within the Billiard Room an off-centre timber and brick chimneypiece defiantly declares this room thus far from the Nineteen Twenties. Paint was peeling, curtains had been crumbling.

    An air of pale grandeur pervaded the Lengthy Room. Triumphal flags now in tatters and colored wall lamps dulled by the passage of time hinted at previous glories and events lengthy forgotten. A collection of oak bookcases was provided by John McArevey of Newry to suit between the rows of home windows operating the size of the Lengthy Room. One pair bought for £3,000.

    The kitchen had misplaced its lived in look which I remembered. It was neater now with rows of copper jelly moulds and tin pots organized museum-like alongside the painted pine dressers. Excessive up on the wall above, the clock had stopped.

    The principal bedrooms with their easy names – the Avenue Bed room, the Nook Bed room, Caroline’s Room, the Greatest Bed room, His Lordship’s Bed room and Her Ladyship’s Bed room – had plain sturdy furniture. A mahogany breakfront wardrobe and matching half tester or 4 poster bed dominated every room, accompanied by an identical desk and pot cupboard. On common the wardrobes bought for £3,000; the beds for £5,000.

    The bedrooms seemed barely sparse. Maybe they’d been fuller in happier instances. Minor bedrooms and servants’ rooms had brass beds (the one within the Housekeeper’s Room bought for £70), decrease ceilings, much less dramatic views, and had been stuffed with muddle. Not for for much longer.

    “Folks say it is as if time stopped within the house,” Philip Anley stated on the opening day of the public sale. “That is a tribute to mum,” he added, acknowledging Julie Ann’s efforts to take care of MPH.

    Gross sales had taken place at Mourne Park earlier than. Shortly earlier than his demise, Nicholas had bought greater than half the 800 hectare estate to Mourne Park Golf Membership which prolonged from a 9 gap to an 18 gap course. A decade earlier than he had purchased out the curiosity of his aunt, Girl Hyacinth, which meant her family eradicating varied heirlooms in lieu of any stake within the house itself. The inheritance of the title and estate had already break up in 1960. Nonetheless this sale was totally different. It heralded “the tip of an period” in line with Philip.

    Herbert Jackson Stops’ introduction to the Nineteen Twenties sale catalogue of Stowe springs to thoughts. ‘It’s with a sense of profound remorse that the auctioneer pens the opening strains of a sale catalogue which can destroy for ever the glories of the house, and disperse to the 4 winds of heaven its fantastic collections, leaving solely reminiscences of the spacious previous’. A uncommon stage of honesty in comparison with latest excuses of promoting off the family silver from ‘eager to share chattels with others’ to ‘streamlining the gathering’.

    Sara Kenny from HOK Fine Art carried out the public sale, elevating a complete of £1.3m. Costs had been excessive with sellers bidding in opposition to collectors in opposition to locals. “My dad labored on the estate so I need some form of souvenir,” I overheard one bidder say. It appeared everybody wished their piece of MPH’s historical past.

    Public sale pleasure reached fever pitch on the final day when lot 1391 got here up on the market. It was the Purple E book of Shavington, within the County of Salop, a seat of The Proper Honble [sic] Lord Viscount Kilmorey’. For many who do not know, Purple Books had been the creation of Humphrey Repton (1752-1818), a pioneer within the subject of panorama structure. He created or remodeled over 200 English estates. His mantra was pure magnificence enhanced by art. His follow was to finish a Purple E book for every consumer.

    The Shavington Purple E book was a slim quantity encased in pink leather-based containing his proposals for ‘enhancements’ outlined in neat copperplate handwriting and illustrated with maps, plans, drawings and watercolours. A number of bidders appreciated its historic significance and beautiful magnificence. Ultimately it went underneath the hammer for £41,000 구해줘홈즈 시골집.

    The third Earl of Kilmorey had bought Shavington, the family seat in Shropshire, in 1881 to pay for money owed his father had accrued. He crammed a lot of the furniture into MPH. Shavington objects auctioned included two early nineteenth century items by Gillows of Lancaster which each bought for £11,000: the Nook Bed room wardrobe and the architect’s desk from the Library.

    Mourne Park estate could not have benefitted from the romantic contact of Humphrey Repton however its rugged character, derived from the granite face of Knockcree, stays unchanged from pale nineteenth century panorama pictures. The identical cannot be stated for the interior of the granite face house.

    “I will at all times keep in mind the day you visited Mourne Park,” Julie Ann stated. Strolling up the old drive she continued, “Because the day the boathouse collapsed.”

    And certain sufficient, the gabled boathouse, which had stood there for hundreds of years, not a lot collapsed as gently slipped into the lake like a maiden aunt taking a dip within the water. After a number of ripples, it disappeared. Eternally.

    Fifteen years later, masterpieces and miscellany, a document of Edwardian residing in its authentic setting, at the moment are gone, identical to the boathouse. It’s a unhappy ending for the gathering that shaped the soul of one in all Ulster’s Huge Homes. Unhappy for the family and for the folks of Newry and Mourne whose toil allowed the family to amass a fortune in antiques.

    In the course of the 320 hectare estate nonetheless stands the house itself, stripped of its contents, bare because the classical statues that when graced the lawns across the lake, awaiting its destiny.

    Since this text was printed, Marion Scarlett Russell positioned MPH in the marketplace with Knight Frank for £10 million. The asking worth has now been lowered to £6.5 million. It’s nonetheless on the market.

  • 5 Ideas TO Maintain Your Salon Busy Throughout Sluggish Intervals

    광고 Let’s face it, it occurs to all companies. Each salon has its gradual days, weeks, and even months. Non-wedding months are often the gradual season for salon house owners. Be that as it could, what you do throughout this time is vital as a result of it could actually assist drastically or drag your business. Letting your money circulate run easily in all seasons takes a whole lot of planning and marketing methods.

    From my very own expertise within the marketing industry and a survey carried out amongst 100 salon house owners, I’ve gathered 5 factors for you to bear in mind within the seasons which aren’t paying you off so properly.

    1. Work for Pre-Bookings:

    Say the consumer is already there taking the services, and also you attempt to pitch her for the subsequent service then solely. You may give her some reductions could also be saying that she will get a 30% low cost in case she confirms the appointment right this moment. Chemical services are largely costly and it’s fairly a uncommon probability to get them on a reduction, making such gives specifically within the down season is a win-win state of affairs. Doing this may even forestall double reserving, unavailable time slots, and uncertainties.

    2. Particular Coupons, gives, and Packages.

    Loyal shoppers are the spine of any profitable business. Make them really feel particular with packages and gives for which they pay now and avail later 제주도룸싸롱.

    Take an instance the place you may have made a bundle which has 10 totally different gives for each hair and pores and skin services, with a suggestion that claims pay now and get heavy reductions. This maintains a easy money circulate to your spa and salon.

    “Refer a Buddy and You Each Get $15 off on Manicure and Pedicure” (Referrals can go far and it’ll increase your gross sales shortly!)

    “Get a FREE Manicure on Your Birthday! It is on us” (Birthday presents will make her really feel particular)

    3.”Finest Salon Close to Me”

    Work in your search engine optimization and Marketing, gradual days are one of the best time to spend money on platforms the place you hardly get time in any other case. Placing efforts within the down season improve outcomes through the time of motion. search engine optimization and marketing assist you to generate leads by your website and social media platforms.

    Let me simply simplify the entire thing for you guys right here.

    First is search engine optimization, which implies if somebody sorts “one of the best salon close to me” yours is the primary website they arrive throughout. This investment in google pays you off around the 12 months. Listing your self within the native listings, get a gorgeous website made, make use of google maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo!, Yelp, Foursqaure, Yellow Pages and extra.
    Second is SMO, which implies social media optimization, within the wedding season it’s nearly unimaginable so that you can stay lively on Fb and Instagram on a regular basis, however down season is the time to discover the limitless potentialities these networks have to supply. Updating always and investing within the type of making movies and utilizing hashtags, utilizing paid promotion instruments.
    If you’re not that huge of a techno-savvy, I recommend hiring an expert agency which may also help you with these methods.

    4. Branded Mobile Utility:

    Making a 24/7 automated appointment mechanism is an incredible solution to preserve bookings and appointments following in even when you find yourself sleeping. A mobile software with your individual salon and name emblem, to your shoppers the place they will see all of the packages and gives you might be working. Strive Straightforward Salon Software program’s mobile software in order that your shoppers consider you on a regular basis.

  • Fruitfulness of Mobile Phone Affords


    Mobile phone provides have made it lifelike for folks to establish themselves with the most recent phone services. The customers discover telephones very helpful for the efficient services that they supply. There are a number of distinctive provides with the most recent mobile telephones. These entice folks they usually fall for the handsets 폰테크.

    On a regular basis, new provides are launched by the mobile-based firms. It has made the shopping for of telephones all of the extra thrilling. There are provides similar to 12 months free line rental and 18 months free line leases. These make sure the customers, free services with the handsets. To additional elucidate issues, it signifies that the mobile telephones can provide services, freed from value, for a interval of 12 or 18 months. Such provides are quite common with service offers. Then there will also be provides similar to clearance offers and cashback provides. Whereas the primary provide signifies that, mobiles can be found at diminished costs, the opposite provide signifies that exhausting money is returned to patrons of telephones after a sure time period. So, it is extremely nicely understood that mobile offers have actually introduced modifications in the way in which we conceive mobile services.

    Additionally it is true that mobile firms provide free presents with their handsets. Some folks undermine the declare by saying that it’s a hearsay. However, the very fact is that there are fabulous presents accessible with mobile telephones. A few of the well-known presents are digital tv and laptops. These excessive profile presents actually entice folks. Patrons stay contended having introduced mobile telephones for they get such thrilling presents freed from value. It signifies that they needn’t have to take a position for these excessive profile devices any extra. Only one investment in shopping for a mobile saves them from shopping for lot extra different devices. These days, each mobile is fitted with a camera, music participant, FM radio and media gamers. It signifies that one needn’t have to purchase these devices individually. Then it is usually true that firms provide presents similar to gaming console, Sony PSP, iPods and different such units with mobile handsets. So, shopping for mobile is actually helpful for folks. It’s real worth for his or her cash and brings high quality service in folks’s life.

    Mobile solves the communication wants of individuals. So, shopping for a mobile is inevitable for folks all world wide. Now, when there are free presents with telephones, such mobile phone provides have are available a giant method to resolve folks’s wants to purchase different devices. Additionally, newest mobile services could also be within the type of free calling and free messaging services. No matter be the provide, it leaves immense choices for folks to take care of contacts with others at a price that was by no means potential earlier than.

    The brand new telephones have good options and are competent for they’re fitted with the most recent cameras, media gamers and reminiscence area. These options additionally function newest provides of mobile devices. The customers can now discover as much as 8 MP camera on a phone. It solves their photography wants. The media gamers are able to taking part in songs and movies in each common format. The reminiscence is prolonged as much as 16 GB and that’s enough area for storing all form of information. With such choices, the customers of mobiles are the most effective benefactors.

    Details about the most recent provides of mobiles can be found on the web. Folks can depend on the online web sites for the most recent details about mobile telephones provide. The person mobile firms similar to Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and LG have their very own web sites. They’re up to date with the most recent details about the mobile provides. So, customers discover this platform one of the simplest ways to get all data associated to mobile telephones. Orders for mobile telephones will also be positioned on the online websites. It’s assured that each one the most recent provides can be granted to the purchasers.

  • Shopping for Suggestions Earlier than Shopping for a Mobile Telephones


    These days, shopping for a brand new mobile phone is changing into extraordinarily convoluted with nebulous ideas. That is primarily due to the obtuse confusion in deciding on the mobile model since many newest mobile telephones have been launched by virtually all widespread manufacturers. Ultramodern methods are being adopted to make these newest one. So, it’s wanted to investigate and evaluate the mobile telephones of assorted manufacturers earlier than buying.

    The comparability tables of the mobile manufacturers aid you to search out an apt one which satisfies all of your wishes and necessities. Listing of mobile manufacturers with their newest handsets with prize ranges are described within the comparability tables. You possibly can analyze in accordance with your prize vary.

    Some widespread manufacturers have launched newest handsets with contact screens that are extra superior than the earlier variations with wonderful options. The configurations of those telephones have a utilization of 900 minutes and 3000 texts. Some others have 600 minutes and limitless texts. They’ve QWERTY keyboard, 32 GB of inside reminiscence, accelerometer sensor for auto rotate choice and Symbian working system with Wi-Fi expertise . Additionally, they’re constructed with excessive tech options of music, video and games. Some fashions have doc viewer and superior e-mail services which have a substantial use for the business functions 폰테크.

    Camera capacities are probably the most obligatory expectations of the youth. A number of the manufacturers have showcased fashions with prime quality cameras. The final word function of those products is the 12 mega pixel camera which may seize excessive decision movies as much as 1280 X 720 pixels with a xenon flash which may shoot brighter photos even at nighttime. They’ve a minimal of three.2 inches contact screen and most of 5.8 inches with 16 million colours. Most people choose these contact screen mobiles due to their comfort. Sure handsets solely work with some peculiar networks for the primary three months and you’ll change to every other UK networks in a while. The cost free community supply comes with the acquisition of the mobile telephones.

    Sure handsets are solely meant for his or her audio and video clarities. Thus, the music and video gamers of those telephones are having the intense results whereas taking part in. They assist all sorts of file codecs. Software program for the conversion of assorted file codecs is given with the mobile telephones. They’re additionally useful within the file trade between the PCs or Laptops and the mobile telephones. The phone operations are made easy and consumer supportive. Sure cheaper mobile telephones are additionally obtainable available in the market. These cheaper telephones are constructed with a minimal configuration of VGA cameras, mp3 gamers and FM tuners.

    Sure SIM free mobile telephones are additionally obtainable within the UK market. They use CDMA facility in such cases. Earlier than selecting a SIM, the issues like community connectivity, tariffs and gives ought to be taken in to consideration. A number of the retailers present SIM cards services with the brand new mobile telephones. Many widespread model retailers like Vodafone, Carphone Warehouse, Dial -A-Phone and Telephones 4 U is on the market all through the UK that are offering many seasonal gives.

    A number of the gives supplied with these mobile retailers are £40 monthly for twenty-four months, 14 months free line rental, £20 monthly for twenty-four months, £15 monthly for twenty-four months and many others. These gives fluctuate with the retailers. You want to select the perfect deal earlier than the acquisition of the handsets. The retailers additionally information you in offering sufficient data relating to the acquisition. A number of the retailers present sure presents with the mobile phone shopping relying on the value of the one you purchase.

  • Integrating a Solar Panel Into Your Home Electrical System


    In case you are constructing your personal solar panel system, this step is normally reserved for an expertise electrician. Connecting the solar panels on to a junction box or direct home wiring must be left to a educated and licensed electrician 세탁기렌탈.

    Listed below are the supplies which are wanted:

    -Accomplished solar module

    -Polarizing plug

    -DC array disconnect

    -Cost Controller

    -Battery (Deep Cycle)

    -System Meter



    The factor you’ll want to decide is how built-in would you like your system to be with the remainder of your family. This could vary from powering a few lights in a shed to integrating your complete array to power all of the home equipment in your home or business. Subsequent, resolve whether or not you need to join the wires carrying the cost to a Jones plug. Wire the mating plug to the following piece of equipment. This wire can then be related to a DC array disconnect. The explanation why you’d need these parts is that it’s going to make it simpler to disconnect for yearly upkeep.

    Subsequent, join your system to a cost controller. The cost controller protects the battery by decreasing the movement of electrical energy when the battery reaches capability. This retains present from going backward within the system. Extra subtle cost controllers preserve the system from disconnecting on cloudy days or at evening.

    After the cost controller, the system can be related to a deep cycle battery for vitality storage. In contrast to a car battery, deep cycle batteries present constant cost to something its powering. At this level, you may join a meter to monitor how a lot electrical energy goes to the battery.

    Lastly, an inverter can be related which converts the direct present to alternating present (AC). AC is utilized in most home home equipment.

    Once more, seek the advice of an skilled electrician should you do plan to wire your complete family with solar power. You don’t want any issues with outages in your home. It may value extra in the long term if it is advisable repair what you could have broken.

  • High Home Vitality Saving Ideas


    It’s not a lot recognized to those who the rationale why electric payments are hovering excessive is due to most equipment we’ve at home. They carry on utilizing most of those equipments as a result of they assume it provides them consolation. What they have no idea is that’s triggers the rising electric payments. We’d expertise consolation. However, we get to spend some huge cash for the payments sk얼음정수기.

    The reply to this downside can also be us. If we’re geared up with the data on tips on how to save power at home, we may even be saving cash. Learn to trim down the electric and water payments at home, but, nonetheless have the consolation you might be on the lookout for. This contemporary world is into utilizing equipments that eat electrical energy. With the development of expertise, power environment friendly home home equipment have been additionally created to fulfill the rising demand for much less power consuming home home equipment. Subsequently, once you procure new set of home equipment, be sure that it has an Vitality Star label.

    Throughout winter, your home shall be heat on a regular basis. You possibly can keep away from utilizing electric heating equipment by means of sure strategies. You’ll want to verify for drafts on home windows and doorways. It’s higher to cowl the drafts with plastic covers. There are additionally kits to hide the drafts accessible available on the market. However, home windows and doorways close to exhaust pipes and another equipment that use fuel, and so on. shall not be lined. You probably have a thermostat in your house, set it to a decrease temperature as a result of an excessive amount of warmth just isn’t good for the health of the family. If you find yourself planning to buy a thermostat, be sure that it’s programmable so that you could alter the temperature anytime and when there’s actually a must heat the entire place. Additional, the filter of heater and air conditioner shall be cleaned on occasion so that it’ll work effectively. Soiled filters will trigger the motor to work laborious and consumes extra electrical energy.

    If you find yourself taking a shower, water and electrical energy might be conserved as nicely. You’ll want to set up a low water flowing shower head in order that you don’t eat a lot water. Even in case you are utilizing water heater, it’s nonetheless advisable to make use of a low flowing shower head.

    The lights in your home shall additionally eat much less power since you’ll use it repeatedly. Exchange all bulbs with fluorescent lamps because it eat lesser electrical energy. It could be higher should you select these low wattage fluorescent lamps. A daily verify up of the tap can also be wanted to make sure that there is no such thing as a faulty or dripping faucet in your home. Faulty and dripping faucet will consequence to hovering invoice. It can additionally contribute to rising electric or fuel payments these are the means to warmth water.

  • Investment in Agriculture


    The process of investment in land that awaits future city development has been carried out for generations by each large companies and personal traders. For a number of it has been a gainful enterprise, leading to many of us gathering massive land portfolios and substantial quantities of wealth. Primarily, this investment has taken place in agricultural plots surrounding cities, villages and cities as these are seen as ripe for development as settlements develop. One of these investment has lately been opened as much as the plenty with many firms providing probabilities to unite funds for half possession of land.

    The possibilities to reap massive monetary rewards from land investment are nice. In some cases it’s not even required to supply a big monetary inoculation, half possession schemes have allowed traders to start investment in land for as little as fifty kilos, paid on a weekly foundation. Because of this traders differ from these making an attempt to construct up a retirement nest egg to these struggling to get on the possessions stepladder.

    By way of the rewards some estimates contemplate that an investment of twelve thousand kilos may result in a return of greater than fifty. It will take about ten years however when in comparison with different investment opportunities the returns are extreme; clearly nevertheless, as with most investments the higher the risk, the upper the income. Because of this, these permitting for purchasing land ought to at all times analysis a number of firms fastidiously as an method with out intimate data might be seen as silly. This appraisal ought to embrace an appraisal of a company’s credibility and previous historical past in giving traders sincere returns 이동식주택.

    Within the media the land investment business has not acquired the most effective of press lately. There are nonetheless a big number of firms on the market that’s measured reliable; all it takes is somewhat effort in researching the industry to seek out them. As soon as this analysis has been carried out, the returns from share buying can obtained shortly.

    Ultimately a company that appreciates the privilege of traders to analysis proposed opportunities is the best; as well as, they need to additionally readily supply this data so their shoppers could make knowledgeable selections pertaining to any investments. A part of this data ought to embrace experiences from native authorities on the transport hyperlinks, mains supply and possibilities of planning permission for any plot of land. It’s price remembering nevertheless that whereas the advantages are definitely there, they’re by no means assured; investment is a risk and therefore there’s at all times the prospect of shedding cash. Because the demand for land for housing continues to grow nevertheless, this risk is lowering to some extent, by way of astute monetary investment, income ought to grow to be realism.

    In addition to the income, many traders are selecting land as a technique to keep away from sure authorities laws. For instance, agricultural land and forestry is a good way to get sure tax breaks; one instance is that house owners of these kinds of land would not have to pay legacy tax so long as they’ve been in possession of this land for greater than two years; with sure dodge, such a investment can also be a technique to keep away from the capital beneficial properties tax.

    Clearly investment in land is fashionable with many. Because of a collection of firms it has additionally been opened as much as members of most people making speculating a gorgeous revenue making probability. As authorities plans to extend cities and pace up residential development proceed with pleasure, investing might be seen as a very smart technique to generate profits.

  • How Social Media Marketing Can Assist Your Business Thrive


    The standard marketing model was to get as many eyeballs in your product or service’s message as potential and hope {that a} proportion of shoppers buy. Telephone book, radio advertising, unsolicited mail, tv commercials, journal adverts, and so forth.. are examples of those conventional advertising strategies. These standard forms of marketing are not efficient as many shoppers have change into blind to the ‘a technique’ messaging. The message has been overdone and folks not belief advertisers. A latest survey discovered that solely 14% of individuals belief adverts whereas 76% of individuals belief client suggestions. Accordingly, extra entrepreneurs started searching for alternative routes to attach with potential shoppers.

    Marketing on the Web was initially made fashionable by using Web sites and optimizing these websites by Search Engine Optimization (search engine optimization) methods. Whereas nonetheless a worthwhile technique, search engine optimization has been up to date by Web 2.0 methods, equivalent to social media marketing. Social media marketing is when corporations make the most of Web 2.0 platforms, equivalent to blogs, social networking websites (like Fb, Google+, Foursquare, Twitter, & YouTube) and different rising online marketing instruments. The advantage of web 2.0 platforms versus conventional technique of advertising, and even conventional website marketing, is that it entails ‘two-way communication’, the place customers are empowered to generate content material and companies are incentivized to speak with their prospects.

    The times of broadcasting your product or services message out to the plenty and hoping for a response are gone. Individuals do not wish to buy from anonymous, faceless corporations. Not solely are shoppers being attentive to the ‘man behind the scenes’, however additionally they wish to know what others are saying about your product or service. A latest examine concluded that 80% of US Web utilizing mothers had been influenced by word-of-mouth from associates and family when making a purchase order determination. No different media platform permits for small companies to profit from client phrase of mouth advertising like social media marketing.

    Advantages Of Social Media Marketing


      • Elevated New Buyer Acquisitions – The principle benefit of social media marketing is that you should have the chance to attach with networks of potential prospects that you’d in any other case be unable to return throughout using different conventional marketing methods and even search engine optimization.
      • Phrase of Mouth Marketing– Phrase of mouth marketing has all the time been probably the most influential strategy to generate gross sales. With social media marketing, you’ll be able to create raving fans who will voluntarily promote your product and services to their networks of associates. After all, in case your product or service is poor, you might endure the reverse advantages of this.
      • Brand Consciousness – Branding your business utilizing social media marketing is far less complicated, quicker, and cheaper to attain than the normal advertising medium and even website marketing.
      • Buyer Retention – Web 2.0 platforms are the proper locations to speak together with your prospects about new products, particular promotions, or merely to teach them in your business. Via constant, FREE communication, you may hold your company in entrance of your buyer’s eyeballs which is able to in flip result in repeat business and referrals. Keep in mind, the important thing to the sort of communication is to be content material wealthy; do not use these avenues to pitch your product or service.
    • Fast Outcomes – The efficient and profitable implementation of a social media marketing plan will create virtually fast outcomes in your business. This improve could be quantified by elevated web site site visitors, elevated lead acquisition, and finally elevated gross sales. Not like radio or TV adverts, the place your prospects disappear as soon as the adverts go off air, these web 2.0 platform advantages will proceed long-term so long as the communication and updating of your social media presence is maintained 유튜브구독자늘리는법.


    Why Aren’t Extra Companies Using Social Media Marketing?

    Fairly frankly, most companies do not know find out how to create or implement the sort of technique. What choices to small business house owners have when searching for to create & implement a social media marketing plan:

    Rent an worker– whereas leveraging the time, expertise, and services of others is a great strategy to do business, many occasions this technique fails. Why? In the end, it’s as much as the small business proprietor to create the plan and handle the worker. Nevertheless, most business house owners do not perceive web 2.0 sufficient to create a plan and have not a clue find out how to handle the worker. Plus, paying an worker will increase your labor prices, your payroll taxes, your profit, and so forth…

    Outsource– outsourcing is a greater different to hiring an worker as you will not have to rent, practice, handle, and pay an worker to carry out these features. Nevertheless, there’s a worth for these advantages. Outsourcing these services could be very costly. I’ve recognized social media corporations to cost over $1,000 to create a Fb Fan Web page. This job takes, at most, 20 minutes to arrange. Once more, the issue revolves round training. Except you perceive how social media marketing works, you then should not rent or outsource the duties until you are keen to overpay.

    Do it your self– The very fact is studying the fundamentals of social media, making a plan, and implementing the plan is a job that each business proprietor is able to performing. Discovering the proper training packages that may present you step-by-step find out how to create and handle web 2.0 platforms is paramount as is using software program that may help you handle your entire accounts from one easy location. With a bit little bit of an investment in training, you may create your very personal web 2.0 marketing plan. With a bit little bit of analysis, you will discover an all-in-one do it your self social media dashboard that may help you carry out your web 2.0 marketing in lower than 10 minutes a day.